Today’s healthcare systems, emergency medical systems, and healthcare organizations are in constant need of leaders to navigate the complexities of healthcare, EMS, and operational competency, management, tactics, strategies, regulatory compliance, and development of the future of service delivery. Designed for hospital, emergency medical services, rescue, and healthcare professionals; the program is built upon the NHTSA Leadership Guide to Quality Improvement for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems, the National Center for Healthcare Leadership objectives, Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality TeamSTEPPs objectives, National MEMS Academy (SGAUS) objectives, and the Emergency Management Institute Leadership and Influence course objectives. The 100 hour program provides the knowledge and skills to those interested in functioning as a leader-manager within an EMS, rescue, or healthcare service. Explore the basis of delivery systems, risk management and safety initiatives, legal and regulatory requirements, quality management, medical direction, research principles, and community risk reduction. Develop a multipoint process or leadership and management strategies as applied to the rapidly changing world of service provision. Courses are taught by experienced medical professionals who are experts in their field and have real world management experience form a variety of aspects of the healthcare delivery system.
Get your dream job
We work to involve local and regional employers in the program, thereby exposing the participants to those employers during training.
Be the best
Every one of our graduates exits the program having learned advanced skills, performed advanced skills, and managed critically ill patients within immersive simulation; few programs can attest to the student experiencing the range experiences and skills you will have in the Introduction to Critical Care.
Military Veterans!
Not only do we hold military veterans in high regard, many of our instructors have served in military and other government organization roles. We believe strongly in the experience and learning provided by the U.S. Military and provide special focus on cross walking our educational curriculum for military veterans. Military veterans eligible for veteran’s benefits are pre-certified for the program through the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) process.
Meet your match
You will meet your match in this program, if you wish to be the best in the world, this is the place to meet that expectation.
Join our history of excellence
Our program is home to instructors who are among the renowned medical personnel in the county, developers of some of the first special programs in the country, and some of the top medical directors in the country.

Learn from the best
You will learn from international faculty, who “walk the talk” and have held diverse roles in from providers to educators and administrators. Many of our faculty are active researchers in the field, which means we don’t just present the current science. We create it!
Join Now!
Our program only accepts a limited number of students a year into training, the process to obtain a spot is competitive and we suggest registering early to begin the process.
All Textbooks are provided for this program of study.