Resuscitation Group Speaks at International Conference

Resuscitation Group Speaks at International Conference

The Resuscitation Groups’ Michael Christie was invited to speak at the 5th annual Tabletop Exercise and Communication in Disaster Medicine International Conference in Kulalumpur, Malaysia. Mr. Christie is no stranger to the TopCom international conference and has appeared as an invited guest for the last several years. Conference speakers also include the

the lectures culminate into a tabletop exercise that is a focused and comprehensive program that brings together an international community. Other topics for the conference include best practices regarding emergency medicine, disaster response, and incident management.

The exercise facilitates constructive discussions and analysis of emergency situations in an informal stress free environment.

The conference brings together all aspects of incident response from emergency medical providers, administrators, and government officials that may all encounter various aspects of a disaster or major event.

The conference is held each August at UITM Seylang Hospital, Kulalumpur, Malaysia.

Related topics: competence (8) | malaysia | Michael Christie (5) | consulting (7)

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